Contract represents expansion of work with NATO

OTTAWA, September 16, 2021 – Calian® Group Ltd. (TSX: CGY), provider of trusted solutions across Advanced Technologies, Health, Learning and IT & Cyber Solutions segments, announces a contract win with the NATO Security Force Assistance Centre of Excellence (NATO SFA COE), a multinational entity with Italy, Albania and Slovenia as sponsoring Nations.

As part of the contract, Calian will support training on site, bringing military expertise and a deep understanding of management and leadership principles to the NATO SFA COE. The COE is committed to knowledge-sharing among the Alliance, NATO nations and NATO partners in the field of SFA, building the skills of its personnel. It aims to improve the effectiveness of the Alliance in promoting stability and reconstruction efforts for conflict and post-conflict scenarios.

Kent Davis, Director, Training as a Service, Calian noted: “For these exercises, we work closely with our NATO customers to understand their training objectives and tailor our solutions to meet their mission-critical requirements.”

Calian trainers are experts in strategic planning, developing training exercises, Security Sector Reform and Security Force Assistance. This unique skill set is developed through interpersonal coaching and mentoring as well as the use of subject matter experts, role players and interpreters to enhance the realism of international training scenarios.

“We look forward to delivering complex training solutions to the NATO SFA COE and helping to improve the competency and effectiveness of SFA operators working in current and future critical defence missions,” Chesney Clark, Managing Director, Cadence, a Calian company.

While this is not a material announcement, it exemplifies one of our key strategic pillars – customer retention. Calian is currently delivering much of the strategic and operational training to NATO Command Structure and NATO Force Structure commands.

À propos de Calian

Nous faisons avancer le monde. Calian® aide les gens à communiquer, à innover, à apprendre et à mener une vie saine et sûre. Chaque jour, nos employés vivent nos valeurs d’engagement envers le client, d’intégrité, d’innovation, de respect et de travail d’équipe pour concevoir des solutions fiables qui résolvent des problèmes complexes. C’est la confiance. Ingénierie. Entreprise stable et en pleine croissance depuis 40 ans, notre siège social se trouve à Ottawa et nos bureaux et projets couvrent les marchés nord-américains, européens et internationaux. Visitez pour découvrir des solutions innovantes en matière de soins de santé, de communications, d’apprentissage et de cybersécurité.

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About Calian

We keep the world moving forward. Calian® helps people communicate, innovate, learn and lead safe and healthy lives. Every day, our employees live our values of customer commitment, integrity, innovation, respect and teamwork to engineer reliable solutions that solve complex challenges. That’s Confidence. Engineered. A stable and growing 40-year company, we are headquartered in Ottawa with offices and projects spanning North American, European and international markets. Visit to learn about innovative healthcare, communications, learning and cybersecurity solutions.

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